"Let us treat others with the same passion and compassion with which we want to be treated. Let us seek for others the same possibilities which we seek for ourselves."
Pope Francis

Strategy 24+

Purpose. Passion. Possibility.

Our Strategy is informed by, and takes its name from, three key principles: Purpose, Passion and Possibility.

Purpose grounds us in our mission and values; to support those most in need of care. Purpose is the driving force in ensuring every initiative is aligned to supporting people to harness their strengths, thrive in their relationships, and build positive futures.

Passion manifests as energy. Our staff are energised by the work they do, the people they work with, and the role they play. Each member of staff at CatholicCare are authentic in their passion and dedication to their role.

Possibility recognises that CatholicCare plays a critical role in nurturing hope for the people and communities we serve. With possibility, we are always looking for the opportunities in every situation, the human capacities for change and growth. 

Purpose. Passion. Possibility. addresses the strategic risks in an environment of considerate change and volatility, while remaining proactive to the strategic opportunities that arise. Through this Strategy, CatholicCare has defined a proactive, positive and achievable future direction.

Previous Strategic Plans are available to view below.

Strategic Plan for 2018-2021
PDF / iMag

Strategic Plan for 2015-2018

Strategic Plan for 2011-2015